Shiny Happy Valentines 2020

by Erin

Holidays and parties always bring up questions in the type 1 diabetes community online. Do we send candy? What do we do with candy our children receive? Continue reading →

7 Tips : What To Do When… Your Child Says, “Mama, Look At THAT Kid!”


In the foreground a child's finger points to a young boy, blurred, in the background. The boy is crouched on the grass next to a large flowerpot. His posture is slouching and pouty. His arms rest on the flowerpot rim. A toy yellow tractor rests on the grass.

In the foreground a child’s finger points to a young boy, blurred, in the background. The boy crouches on the grass next to a large flowerpot. His posture is slouching and pouty. His arms rest on the flowerpot rim. A toy yellow tractor rests on the grass.

By Erin Schovel Turnham

Nothing quite strikes fear in my heart like my child pointing at another person and saying loudly, “Look, Mama!” Children are naturally curious, and without the social filters we acquire as we age.

A neighbor asked me how to broach the subject with M, her 3 year old daughter. Grasshopper and Sunshine were out playing with M, and Grasshopper had to stop to check his blood sugar. Their friend was obviously curious and while she didn’t ask any questions, her mom wondered how to address it. I was grateful my neighbor reached out. Continue reading →

Blue November Prep

While I am still getting ready for Halloween, I’m also looking forward to our diabetes awareness efforts for November. We participate in Project Blue November by wearing blue on Fridays and posting on social media. Last year I painted a craft pumpkin with the international symbol for diabetes, a blue circle. We collected all of Grasshopper’s used diabetes supplies and empty packets of Annie’s Fruit Snacks in the pumpkin to show all of the supplies and low blood sugar treatments he used. Continue reading →

Sweet Friends

This particular purple pouch is a very special pack of Annie’s Bunny Fruit Snacks. In our family we just call them gummies. After a day of low blood sugars at school, I picked up Grasshopper. Nurse L and I had been in contact throughout the day and she had just checked his blood sugar at 58. He had a few of these Annie’s Bunny Fruit Snacks while still in her office and a few minutes later she walked him out to car line.

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Bus Goals

Grasshopper asked me again if he could ride the bus when he starts first grade. He was prepared with reasons and explanations how it would benefit ME.

Cue all the smiles, and all the heartache. I’m surprised he didn’t have charts and graphs ready. He proposed I walk him to the bus in the morning, and then I could get things done around the house while Sunshine played. She solemnly nodded. And then in the afternoon I could start making dinner while he rode back on the bus. Or while Daddy made dinner. And Sunshine could play. More nodding from her. Grasshopper is working this angle HARD. Le sigh.

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Easter with T1D 2018

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6

Happy Easter!

We went to the Easter vigil Mass last night and we all survived without meltdowns. Even me! Grasshopper was amazed that he got to hold a candle and that there was A FIRE outside. Sunshine loved the ringing of the bells when we all sang Alleluia over and over. She shook her hand like she was holding a bell and laughed and laughed. With joy we greet our risen Lord! Continue reading →

Valentine Secrets

I bought these Jiulyning Invisible Ink and Black Light Combination Pens a while ago on Amazon. At $9.99 for 20 pieces, it was about the same price I would have paid for ready made Valentine’s Day cards for Grasshopper’s class. Continue reading →

Magic School Bus

by Erin

Grasshopper’s class went to the zoo the week before Thanksgiving. It was his first field trip as a kindergartner. He was thrilled to go to the zoo with his school friends but he was absolutely beside himself about going there on a big yellow school bus! Continue reading →

Halloween with T1D

Yes, Grasshopper can and does eat candy. If his blood sugar goes too low he HAS to eat something sugary to bring it back up. Juice, Annie’s Fruit Snacks, Lifesavers Gummies. Sugar can literally save his life.

by Erin

The assumption often is, “Grasshopper can’t eat candy because he has type 1 diabetes.”
The short answer is, “He can and does eat candy. There are times sugar can literally save his life.” The long answer is, “It gets a bit complicated.” Continue reading →

The Teal Pumpkin Project 

by Erin

It’s not the candy, it’s the carbs.

After Grasshopper’s diagnosis of type 1 diabetes I was so worried about Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Easter… all these holidays that focus on food, lots of food, lots of carby goodness like mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pies, rolls, and candy everywhere. Continue reading →