Blue November Prep

While I am still getting ready for Halloween, I’m also looking forward to our diabetes awareness efforts for November. We participate in Project Blue November by wearing blue on Fridays and posting on social media. Last year I painted a craft pumpkin with the international symbol for diabetes, a blue circle. We collected all of Grasshopper’s used diabetes supplies and empty packets of Annie’s Fruit Snacks in the pumpkin to show all of the supplies and low blood sugar treatments he used. Continue reading →

Sweet Friends

This particular purple pouch is a very special pack of Annie’s Bunny Fruit Snacks. In our family we just call them gummies. After a day of low blood sugars at school, I picked up Grasshopper. Nurse L and I had been in contact throughout the day and she had just checked his blood sugar at 58. He had a few of these Annie’s Bunny Fruit Snacks while still in her office and a few minutes later she walked him out to car line.

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T1D is a Beach: 7 Tips for Your Summer With Type 1 Diabetes

by Erin

Summer is almost over (officially) for us, and I have been taking notes and pictures all season long. But let’s get real. We live in Alabama and it will be hot through October! So these tips and products are relevant for us most of the year. Continue reading →

Under Pressure

by Erin

I dragged Grasshopper out of bed, tired, grumpy, crying and upset and hauled both kids to school in workout clothes and no make up, on the Monday after Spring Break only to get into the office and be told there was no school because of parent teacher conferences. Guess I should check my email!! #hotmess

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Magic School Bus

by Erin

Grasshopper’s class went to the zoo the week before Thanksgiving. It was his first field trip as a kindergartner. He was thrilled to go to the zoo with his school friends but he was absolutely beside himself about going there on a big yellow school bus! Continue reading →

Magical T1D ModSquad

by Erin

There is a group on Facebook to which another mom of a child with type 1 diabetes added me shortly after Grasshopper was diagnosed 4 years ago this year. If you had told me 5 years ago that I would regularly ask the advice of 10,477 people on the internet of whom I only personally know about 7, I would have thought you were nuts. Continue reading →

Rock On

This November we are saving all of Grasshopper’s used T1D supplies in this pumpkin decorated with a blue circle, the international symbol of diabetes.

This November, for Diabetes Awareness, we are saving all of Grasshopper’s used type 1 diabetes supplies in this pumpkin decorated with a blue circle, the international symbol of T1D. Shown here are the results of four insulin infusion site changes, one Dexcom change, five AccuCheck FastClix lancet drums for poking Grasshopper’s fingers, Annie’s Fruit Snacks for low blood sugar and a lot of One Touch Ultra Blue Test Strips, each one marking one finger poke.

by Erin

Gabbing with Grasshopper

Celebration comes on Kid’s Place Live radio (channel 078, Sirius XM) in the car.

Me: Hey!

Grasshopper: It’s our song!

Me: Remember, if you decide to get married I want to dance with you at your wedding to this song.

Grasshopper, nodding: Uh huh. No, wait. Actually, “We Will Rock You.” Continue reading →

Halloween with T1D

Yes, Grasshopper can and does eat candy. If his blood sugar goes too low he HAS to eat something sugary to bring it back up. Juice, Annie’s Fruit Snacks, Lifesavers Gummies. Sugar can literally save his life.

by Erin

The assumption often is, “Grasshopper can’t eat candy because he has type 1 diabetes.”
The short answer is, “He can and does eat candy. There are times sugar can literally save his life.” The long answer is, “It gets a bit complicated.” Continue reading →