End of the School Year Burn Out: Lunch

by Erin

I’m staring into the pantry with a deer in the headlights look. Wide eyed, slack jawed… it can’t be THIS hard to come up with two snacks and a lunch for my kindergartner. Continue reading →

Easter with T1D 2018

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6

Happy Easter!

We went to the Easter vigil Mass last night and we all survived without meltdowns. Even me! Grasshopper was amazed that he got to hold a candle and that there was A FIRE outside. Sunshine loved the ringing of the bells when we all sang Alleluia over and over. She shook her hand like she was holding a bell and laughed and laughed. With joy we greet our risen Lord! Continue reading →

How to Make a Peanut Butter Sandwich 

by Erin

Silly, right? Of course you take two pieces of your favorite bread, slap some PB on there, glob jelly on if you want, smush the bread slices together and serve it up to your hungry kid. Or significant other. Or yourself because it’s… Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Continue reading →

Kindergarden Confidential

Menu Planning: Grasshopper Grub

We don’t have it all figured out, but we have the beginning of a plan.

by Erin

Ok, so Grasshopper isn’t a mini Anthony Bourdain but he does enjoy food, cooking, and lately he enjoys putting together his own menus for lunch and school snacks. I like to cook but I do often get in a rut. Once a food item or meal fits nicely in the intersection of my daily vin diagram of “Nutritious Food,” “Grasshopper Approved,” and “I Know How To Dose Insulin For This Food,” I am loathe to change it out of rotation. If it WORKS and he LIKES it then by golly, you can have that every day of the week for lunch, son. But does that fly with the Grasshopper? Nope. Continue reading →