Bus Goals

Grasshopper asked me again if he could ride the bus when he starts first grade. He was prepared with reasons and explanations how it would benefit ME.

Cue all the smiles, and all the heartache. I’m surprised he didn’t have charts and graphs ready. He proposed I walk him to the bus in the morning, and then I could get things done around the house while Sunshine played. She solemnly nodded. And then in the afternoon I could start making dinner while he rode back on the bus. Or while Daddy made dinner. And Sunshine could play. More nodding from her. Grasshopper is working this angle HARD. Le sigh.

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by Alese

Sunday was not as much of a fun day as promised. I have been using expired Dexcom sensors because you know I’m cheap. It turns out they expire for reason. My numbers last night were 150 points higher than my readings.

So this morning I feel like I slept on a bar room floor. Continue reading →