Blurry Chick-Fil-A Carbs

by Erin

UPDATE: I went back and found out that Chyna Patterson was the employee who helped me at the Chick-Fil-A in Eastchase, Montgomery, Alabama. I gave her a big hug and spoke to her manager and district manager to let her know what a wonderful person they have working there.

This is a BIG THANK YOU to the wonderful Chick-Fil-A employee who helped me today. Six year old Grasshopper and I had our eyes dilated for an annual eye exam. Continue reading →

End of the School Year Burn Out: Lunch

by Erin

I’m staring into the pantry with a deer in the headlights look. Wide eyed, slack jawed… it can’t be THIS hard to come up with two snacks and a lunch for my kindergartner. Continue reading →

Easter with T1D 2018

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6

Happy Easter!

We went to the Easter vigil Mass last night and we all survived without meltdowns. Even me! Grasshopper was amazed that he got to hold a candle and that there was A FIRE outside. Sunshine loved the ringing of the bells when we all sang Alleluia over and over. She shook her hand like she was holding a bell and laughed and laughed. With joy we greet our risen Lord! Continue reading →

Halloween with T1D

Yes, Grasshopper can and does eat candy. If his blood sugar goes too low he HAS to eat something sugary to bring it back up. Juice, Annie’s Fruit Snacks, Lifesavers Gummies. Sugar can literally save his life.

by Erin

The assumption often is, “Grasshopper can’t eat candy because he has type 1 diabetes.”
The short answer is, “He can and does eat candy. There are times sugar can literally save his life.” The long answer is, “It gets a bit complicated.” Continue reading →