T1D Car Wash

Friday is car wash day. I vacuumed up at least 20 test strips and ALL the raisins. Dealing with a chronic condition like T1D means the highs and lows happen anywhere, anytime. It doesn’t stop for car washes. Thanks to the noise of the water and then the vacuum I couldn’t hear the Dexcom low alert and for some reason it didn’t show up on my watch. Grasshopper said he felt low. Yep. 55 on the meter, 50 on Dexcom. Continue reading →

20 Minute Poop Storm

In the space of about 20 minutes on Tuesday evening, the following happened:

  • I dosed Grasshopper for a 40 gram weight piece of cinnamon roll for dessert. That is a sliver of a roll, not a whole one. It was a 20 gram carb treat. I sent him to put on his pjs so the insulin could have a little time to work.
  • He walked out a few minutes later holding his insulin infusion site… that was supposed to be attached to his body. I tried to hide my instant anxiety. When did it come off? Did it come off before his 24 gram carb dinner? Did he get any insulin for dinner? Did it come off after dinner but before I dosed for the cinnamon roll slice? Did he get any insulin for that??? Continue reading →

Blurry Chick-Fil-A Carbs

by Erin

UPDATE: I went back and found out that Chyna Patterson was the employee who helped me at the Chick-Fil-A in Eastchase, Montgomery, Alabama. I gave her a big hug and spoke to her manager and district manager to let her know what a wonderful person they have working there.

This is a BIG THANK YOU to the wonderful Chick-Fil-A employee who helped me today. Six year old Grasshopper and I had our eyes dilated for an annual eye exam. Continue reading →

Camp Seale Harris

by Erin

A few months ago Grasshopper’s school nurse, Amber, told me she had been contacted by some folks from the Pike Road Lions Club. Continue reading →


by Erin

Gabbing with Grasshopper

Him: What did you say those big kids in white clothes were doing at school today? Typeonediabetesdo? Continue reading →

Chronically Meme Happy

by Erin

After dealing with diabetes as a family for four years and four months, I think of it as if I am holding a pencil in my outstretched hand. I am relatively confident now in the daily decisions that need to be made. Thanks to Sugar Surfing techniques I am usually able to run Grasshopper’s blood sugar control as a background program in my mind instead of as the main focus of my day. But of course it is always there. Continue reading →


by Erin

That’s what the mom right before me in line to check in late to school had written in the “reason” column. Continue reading →

Drunk Dialing Dexcom

by Erin

We are HUUUUGE fans of the Dexcom continuous glucose monitor (CGM) here at Sugar Rush Survivors. It has helped our lives in so many big and small ways. So when there is news about new developments in Dexcom technology, like the FDA approving the release of the Dexcom G6, we get excited! Exhibit A: an evening of text messages between me and Alese. Continue reading →

Days of Wine and Noses

by Erin

Mood: Relaxing with a glass of wine.

Goal: Hoping to fight off any impending viral or bacterial invaders.

Result: Emergen-C Pinot. A “healthy buzz.” (Alese double dog dared me to put that corny line in there. And I love it.) Continue reading →

Laughter is the Best Medicine…

by Erin

I hope you all find the humor in this like I do… or maybe I’m just in the giggly phase of sleep deprivation. Continue reading →